
Lyrics Tambayan is a new web portal here in the World Wide Web where you can find the latest and hottest song lyrics today. The objective of this lyrics portal is simply to provide accurate lyrics for every songs because we noticed today that most of the lyrics source do not provide right and accurate lyrics, that's why this Song lyrics tambayan was created.

If you want to be request a song lyrics that you want to know all you have to do is simply contact us in our contact page.

For subscription you may subscribe to us in our subscribers form and we will be happy to send to you the latest lyrics that you want.

Anyway, we would like you to know that we simply provide lyrics and we are not posting their music videos. In order to maintain the credibility of this lyric web portal.


Lyrics Tambayan page, does not stream audio, videos or host content of any kind. The audio you listen to and videos you watch are hosted and shown from audio / video streaming and/or TV network websites. Any audio or video hosted or shown on third-party websites have passed their own stringent internal vetting procedures and as such are assumed as fully authorized for publication by the content owners. This site is not responsible for content of external internet websites and is not responsible for the availability of such third-party websites. The content of such third-party websites is beyond our control. This site DOES NOT CLAIM any OWNERSHIP or COPYRIGHT on ALL the audio or videos shared.