Time Machine lyrics by Six Part Invention — Hottest Lyrics , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music Video , Official Music Video , OPM , OPM Songs 2013 , Pinoy Songs , Six Part Invention , Song Lyrics , Time Machine , Top 10 , Top 10 OPM — Lyrics Tambayan

Time Machine lyrics by Six Part Invention

Enjoy the Music video of Time Machine by Six Part Invention in our Lyrics Tambayan

Lyrics of Time Machine by Six Part Invention

Do you remember how it felt like?
I still remember how the days that end, the weeks and months
we were together for so long
I haven’t noticed, that we’re falling down too fast
If I could take it all back
I still want you by my side.
If only I could bring you back to me
If I could go back in time
promise we won’t say goodbye
I never really moved on,
No, not in time…
I wanna go back to the way we used to be
I wanna feel your skin, your lips so close to me
I wanna go back when I called you mine all the time
Every smile and every moment
If only I have (If only I have) a time machine.
I need you like the air I breathe
(you make me feel alive)
You’re the best part of my everyday (my every night)
If only I could travel back in time
I’d take it all back and I’ll turn it all around
If I could take it all back
I still want you by my side.
If only I could bring you back to me
If I could go back in time
promise we won’t say goodbye
I never really moved on,
No, not in time…
I wanna go back to the way we used to be
I wanna feel your skin, your lips so close to me
I wanna go back when I called you mine all the time
Every smile and every moment
If only I have (If only I have) a time machine.
If I could go back in time, I’d make us so much better
If I could hear and if I could see,
If I could hold on to your hands
once again
I wanna go back to the way we used to be
I wanna feel your skin, your lips so close to me
I wanna go back when I called you mine all the time
Every smile and every moment
If only I have (If only I have) a time machine.
If only I have a time machine.
If only I have a time machine.
 Six Part Invention, Hottest Lyrics, Time Machine Lyrics, Lyrics and Music Video, Music Video, Official Music Video, OPM, OPM Songs 2013, Pinoy Songs, Quest, Sam Concepcion, Song Lyrics, Tippy Dos Santos, Top 10, Top 10 OPM,


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