Two Pieces by Demi Lovato — Demi Lovato , Hottest Lyrics , Lyrics , Lyrics and Music Video , Music Video , Official Music Video , OPM , OPM Songs 2013 , Pinoy Songs , Song Lyrics , Top 10 , Top 10 OPM , Two Pieces — Lyrics Tambayan

Two Pieces by Demi Lovato

Lyrics of the song Two Pieces by Demi Lovato

There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play
There's a girl in the window tears rolling down her face
We're only lost children, trying to find a friend
Trying to find our way back home

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart

I know where we could go and never feel let down again
We could build sandcastles, I'll be the queen, you'll be my king
We're only lost children, trying to find a friend
Trying to find our way back home

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart

Now I can lay my head down and fall asleep
Oh, but I don't have to fall asleep to see my dreams
'Cause right there in front of me (right there in front of me)
There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
We fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart

There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play


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