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Lana Del Rey – Chelsea Hotel No. 2

Lyrics and Music video of the song Lana Del Rey – Chelsea Hotel No. 2

I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel 
You were talking so brave and so sweet 
Giving me head on the unmade bed 
While the limousines wait in the street 

Those were the reasons and that was New York 
We were running for the money and the flesh 
And that was called love for the workers in song 
Probably still is for those of them left 

Ah, but you got away, didn't you babe 
You just turned your back on the crowd 
You got away, I never once heard you say 

I need you, I don't need you 
I need you, I don't need you 
And all of that jiving around 

I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel 
You were famous, your heart was a legend 
You told me again you preferred handsome men 
But for me you would make an exception 

And clenching your fist for the ones like us 
Who are oppressed by the figures of beauty 
You fixed yourself and said, "Well, never mind 
We are ugly but we have the music" 

And then you got away, yeah, didn't you babe 
You just turned your back on the crowd 
You got away, I never once heard you say 

I need you, I don't need you 
I need you, I don't need you 
And all of that jiving around 

I don't mean to suggest that I loved you the best 
I can't keep track of each fallen robin 
I remember you well at the Chelsea Hotel 
That's all, I don't even think of you that often 

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